Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I have no idea why I expect so much out of myself (when I have a newborn at home), but I always do - so here was my agenda for today: list 10 new items on eBay, tape and paint the trim in James Morgan's room, go through my closet and get rid of everything I haven't worn in a year, finish my thank-you notes, oh and take care of James Morgan (3) and Annalina (3 weeks). Here's what I accomplished: I got James Morgan to school only half an hour late, I washed 9 bottles, I moved the dirty clothes from one bin to another, and I taped off about 5 feet of the wall in James Morgan's room. Here's the best part - apparently, the bunky board on James Morgan's top bunk isn't quite long enough, so when I was up there taping (no, of course I didn't move the bed and use a ladder instead), I promptly fell straight through, all the way down to the bottom bunk. No worries, no injuries - that's just how every day goes for me - crashing through a bunky board all the way down to the floor and then starting over again. 
I may actually do some work on eBay, but most likely, I'll be stuck cleaning banana off one kid and wiping poop off the other. I sometimes say that I hate these days, but really, these times are short-lived. Before I realize it, James Morgan will be in kindergarden and Annalina will be 3 years old and I'll wonder what happened to that time? Hopefully, I won't spend it worrying what I did or didn't "accomplish" for the day. I forgot how much I missed the flailing newborn hands and feet and that distinct smell of a newborn head - I don't know what it is, but it's one of those smells you never forget. 
But, here is one thing I will not miss - James Morgan reverting from being potty trained to wearing diapers again. The worst of it is when he poops his pants, removes his dirty diaper/pants and subsequently wipes his tushy clean with about 20+ wipes. He then leaves these piles of wipes all over the kitchen (thank god it's tile). I have not idea where this habit came from, but I'm so ready for it to stop. And, this entire ordeal happens in less than 2 minutes, so I always miss it until he's walking around stark naked with a (finally) clean rearend. Well, I still have a ridiculous amount of chores to do tonight, so I might as well go ahead and pour myself a glass a wine in an attempt to get through them sanely.....

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