Thursday, February 16, 2012

When did I go and have 2 kids?

If I had a professional interview tomorrow (i.e. for a job other than motherhood), and I was asked the, 'where do you see yourself in 5 years' question, I would have to answer, 'still cleaning up crap, still getting vomit stains out of the carpet and still consoling myself with 'mommy juice' while I make yet another casserole dinner. I love my children, I do, but I do not love all of the 'things' that come with them - your 5-year-old wetting the bed EVERY night for 3 years, walking a newborn for hours on end because she can't get settled, asking for help at Target because your son just projectile vomited all over your clothes and into your shoes. And, there are so many more lovely features of stay-at-home mommyhood.
Now, before anyone begins a self-righteous loathing of me - i.e. saying that children are such a blessing, I should be so grateful that I even have them, etc., let me set the record straight by saying that I am very thankful for the little creatures - I am just blatantly honest and enjoy venting about the miserable parts of parenting.
I try not to despair, and I try to avoid long crying spells at all costs (my crying spells - not my kids' crying spells), but it's all really unavoidable. One plus - I end up losing alot of weight from the sheer stress of attempting to sanely manage two little kids....

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