Saturday, February 25, 2012

This morning, I discovered that I cannot even go out to the mailbox without some type of catastrophe happening inside the house. By 11 a.m., Damian and I had changed 5 dirty diapers between the two kids (James Morgan has reverted to wearing diapers since Annalina was born, so that makes for a pleasant time). I finally made a break for it and went out the front door to put two packages in the mailbox. As the door closed, I hear James Morgan say, "change me." I didn't totally process this until I was walking back into the house and realized that he pooed his pants. Again. Here's your warning that this next part is pretty gross. James Morgan meets me in the hallway with both hands down his pants - he then pulls them out to show me that he has poop stuck in his fingernails. (I warned you). His pants and shirt are also smeared with poo, so he races back to the den (pants around his ankles by now) to get the wipe box in a semi-effort to clean himself off. He would go through an entire box of wipes in one sitting, if I let him - besides I didn't think wipes would quite do the job this time. So, I grabbed James Morgan under the arms and rushed him off to the bathtub to clean up the sixth 'mess' of the day. All that I learned from this is - don't leave the kids unoccupied. Ever. My 30-second trip to the mailbox equalled a one-hour poop cleanup. And, I still have the poo-covered clothes and towels in the washing machine. And and for the dirty diaper and wipes I left on the mantle? Totally forgot about it until Damian walked past it an hour later and cleaned it up for me. So, my life has become an hourly cycle of feeding and dirty diapers. Oh, and you may wonder where Damian was during this episode - he legitimately couldn't help me as he was cleaning up a formula-covered, very fussy Annalina. Cheers - hope everyone has as good of a weekend as we are in store for!

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